About Us

About Us

Heavy Haulage, Jacking & Skidding, Craneage & Erection, Engineering & Consultant, Project Cargo Transportation

BIGtrans-logoBIGTrans services are covering all aspects of transportation; be it by Sea, Air, Road and Railways. As a true specialist we also provide a wide array of value added services designed to supplement project requirements beyond pure transportation. Our goal is to attain smooth cargo flow to installation point and eliminate complex shifting, lifting and handling works in particular on large and heavy components. No matter how complex the shipping method, remote or inaccessible the destination would be, BIGTrans remains a committed, dependable partnerfocused to provide solutions.

We at BIGTrans supported by experienced personnel is a key element in the project cargo handling and logistics since 1992.

“Nothing is too BIG or too SMALL”

The large size and a heavy load or vice versa is a fact that must be faced by using the most appropriate method for handling

Truck ManAt BIGTrans we are committed to provide a secure and healthy environment for all our employees, sub-contractors, visitors and third parties we work with and/or work for. We require that everybody who may be affected, is involved or is otherwise an aggregate to our operations shares this responsibility and commitment.

Whilst Indonesian EHS pertaining rules, regulations and implementation thereof are still in its infancy BIGTrans is committed to it. Our in-house EHS department is obligated to ensure that safety inductions, regular training, waste management, governmental policies and other safety and environment guidelines are adhered to and where applicable regularly rehearsed. And it doesn’t stop there: We apply and enforce the same internal guidelines to our external sub-contractors too.

These measures are continuously communicated to our employees through internal and external training programs and are key in achieving our zero accidents and incidents goals. All this is not only to ensure safety but also underlines our ethical and environmental responsibilities towards following generations in an ever-changing world.

We are now in the process of obtaining a EHS global certification from an accredited institution.


We work with the required security standards

Safety FirstBecome our commitments and meet the required safety standards, we always work with the wearing of safety equipment that will make the job safer and cultivated without an accident.

Safety Requirements :
An integrated and consistent set of Safety Requirements establish the needs that must be met to ensure the protection of people and the environment, both now and in the future. The requirements are governed by the objective and principles of the Safety Fundamentals. If the requirements are not met, measures must be taken to reach or restore the required level of safety. The format and style of the requirements facilitate their use for the establishment, in a harmonized manner, of a national regulatory framework. The safety requirements use ‘shall’ statements with statements of associated conditions to be met. Many requirements are not addressed to a specific party, the implication being that the appropriate parties are responsible for fulfilling them.